EiE: Seeing Animal Sounds - set 1 (1 box) Check Availability

Grades 1-5

This unit brings new excitement to the study of sound. The storybook Kwame’s Sound introduces a young drummer from Ghana who is blind; his father, an acoustical engineer, shows Kwame that sound is vibration and can be represented with both visual symbols (such as musical notation and spectrograms) and tactile symbols. Hands-on activities in this unit lead students to explore the properties of volume and pitch, investigate ways to damp sound, and develop their own novel way to represent the key elements of sound. Download a free unit preview to further explore this teacher guide and storybook.

EIE YouTube channel, See this kit in action in a real classroom. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZdkwBoy-VWmn98uYYGWP4Q

Item includes: Teacher's guide, 30 student story books and materials kit.

Items NOT included: here.

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